11 years ago, my wife and I were praying and discerning whether I should become a permanent Deacon in Australia. There had been alot of blocks and malaise and so we decided to do a novena to Blessed Pier Giorgio to ask his intercession. Well, the first night I had profound dreams about the goodness of God and His closeness. The second night Pope JP2 and Benedict came to me in a dream and deeply consoled me. It was profound. I told mywife, who got excited and said ask Pier Giorgio about if and when you will become a Permanent Deacon. So I did. Pier Giorgio told me it would happen and it would happen in 9 months time ata specific time. It was VERY specific. Anyway, when I had the dream it would seem impossible. But it happened. On the date that Blessed Pier Giorgio told me!! Here is what it led to.
Pier Giorgio is amazing