I grew up surrunded by mountains in Switzerland. I was always looking at them as a sign of beauty and strenght. I gave my life to Jesus two years ago after long years of searching for the truth. He is the Joy that my heart was thirsty of. Two weeks after my yes to Jesus, I met an amazing guy who come from Australia, we discoverd each other and fell in love. We choose to built a relationship together and support each other. I came in the childhood house of Pier Giorgio Frassati this week end. I was feelink in front of a big and terrifing summit to climb in my life. I don't know how we ll be able to love each other. We come from two differents countries, we have differents beliefs. How to love deeply ? How to stay closer to God in my life, in my choices ? How my life can reflect Jesus's face ? Pier Giorgio Frassati answered me: I ll walk on this mountain with you. Don't be afraid of pain. You ll keep this joy in your heart if you stay in your thoughts, actions and emotions with God. I knew then that God trusts me and ll give me his Grace to act with a true love and do the good choices. I can surrender to him. He has the Plan. Thanks Pier Giorgio ! You're for me like a big bro that ll encourage me to look at the summit and believe of the faithful love of Jesus for us.