I've met Pier Giorgio for the first time in 2005 - we created a group of volunteers withing our academic chaplaincy to help some people in need here in Warsaw and we prayed for the intercession of Bl. Pier Giorgio. This group existed only for about 3 years.
Last year (2016) Pier Giorgio appeared in my life once again. I'm a lay Dominican and we had unique opportunity to host his integral relics in Warsaw, in St. Dominic's Church (Sluzew). His relics remained with us for only 24 hours - but there were hundreds of people who came to meet him although it was in the middle of summer and holidays. We managed to create an outdoor exhibition about his everyday life, his social involvements and his choice to remain a layman. We've also created the website (in Polish) about Pier Giorgio - and it still exists and is visited by many people (check it out: www.frassati.dominikanie.pl).
For me Pier Giorgio is an example of being very normal man, living his everyday life with deep joy and relentless faith. He was an ordinary young man - and still he was extraordinary when it comes to his faith, his care for the poor (both materially and spiritually), his devotion to Eucharist and Rosary. He asks me not to be lukewarm, to abandon what makes me weak, ambiguous or illegible. I hope he will be soon proclaimed as saint so many many more people can follow in his footsteps.
Blessed Pier Giorgio, pray for us!