Testimony of Paul J. from USA

Pier Giorgio has been an inspiration to me since I came to know him a decade ago (thanks to my bishop), and as a lay pastoral leader in the Church in the United States (on the parish, diocesan, and national levels), Pier Giorgio has been my patron for the work that I do with young adults. His intercession has done marvelous things for me, for my ministry work, and for the young people that I have served over the years. His wonderful ability to balance his spiritual life with his social life, his service to God and his service to the poor, his holy ambition to keep going higher ("to the heights") and his still presence in the company of the impoverished, his friends and family, and the Lord in adoration, is something I strive for in my life. His "holy balance" is something so necessary in my life and in today's world, which can often feel unbalanced. His ability to be extraordinary in ordinary things gives me hope for my own sanctity and journey towards holiness. As a lay Church leader, as a young person, and as a fellow Catholic on pilgrimage to the Kingdom of God, Pier Giorgio Frassati has been my constant companion, inspiration, and guide.
