Testimony of Monica H. from Canada

Married at a very young age, we have a family of 3 boys and 2 girls...we have known Pierre Giorgio for two Years now. A Family we know from a catholic summer camp and that has an apostleship named Verso Alto introduced us to him. Pierre Giorgio is thé patron of their group and it really helps, nurtures , encourages father-son relationships to its coré! Father-son solid relationships based in thé word of God definitively contributes to healthy families, and the worst attack we have now is on thé families(as per Fatimas 3rd révélation), so definitively we néed many many help from.above , from Piere Giorgio, to intersede for us and help us nurture healthy families where sons grow to a happy vocation in life( as a future father, priest, etc..) and help sociéty as a whole. Personally i am full of joy evertime i sée my sons leave for thé Verso alto day on thé mountains.it is such a blessing, searching God in a father-son relationship..pray for us Pierre Giorgio!
