Testimony of Maryanna L. from USA

 As a Second Semester Junior at Franciscan University I conquered my first mountain, and I am not just talking about Pier Giorgio's mountain in Pollone. On my hike, as I was following the steps of the Blessed Pier Giorgio Frassati, I reflected on an emotional mountain that I had not yet been able to hurdle. It was a mountain of heart break. A little background; Prior to leaving for my semester abroad in Austria in January, I broke up with my boyfriend of five years but was unsettled with how it ended because I could not find a specific reason to call it off. It was a mentally and emotionally draining relationship that was secretly toxic, meaning, I did not realize the damage it was causing my life and soul until I confronted it head on as I was up the mountain. I confronted it by meditating on Bl. Pier Giorgio's favorite Scripture, 1Corinthians: "Love is not rude." The Greek phrase could literally be translated “does not act unbecomingly” or “does not act inappropriately.” Christian love does not seek to cause problems, and it does not belittle others. Christian love involves choosing appropriate actions and responses that help other people. This is when I realized my love was rude with my previous boyfriend. It was on that hike, with that scripture, in the footsteps of Pier Giorgio that my heart went "to the heights" for the first time in years and continues to prepare me for the journey of love. #VersoLAlto
