Testimony of Cecilia D. from USA

I first came to know Pier Giorgio through some good Catholic friends I met at college. Last month I finished reading "A Man of the Beatitudes", which was written by his sister Luciana and it was thought-provoking to say the least! He was seeking holiness with every ounce of his being and trying to take as many people with him as he could! He could of allowed his station in life, as a heir in rich and prominent family, to turn him into an arrogant and spoiled young man. But, he had the rare strength of character to deny himself the pleasures of this world so that he could give all--not just some, not just pocket change, but ALL --of what he had to others. I wish I could say that after praying, I have some great miraculous moment to attribute to Bl. Pier Giorgio, but I don't. What I do have is greater desire to go to mass, to serve God, to sacrifice my will for the good of others, and to use my gifts and talents in secular society as a cultural missionary of Jesus Christ. Ultimately, he touched my life in that way that he has touched so many others -- by inspiring us to use whatever God has given us, be it time, talent, inheritance, opportunity, etc. and use it to further God's kingdom here on Earth.
